Friday, 6 July 2018

Yoga teacher training Goa India

Just as the body takes rest while sleeping, the mind should also get similar rest. Even during the night, the running of the
mind does not cease. When we fall into sleep with mukifari 4 ous thoughts, some thoughts (involving passion, anger, greed, f pride, attachment and all sorts of things> appear in different
shapes and forms When the mind wanders about here and there, one does not have sleep and is engrossed in horrible dreams. The mind is not peaceful and there is no feeling of being refreshed. Passionate thoughts based on fictitious events appear even at the dead of night and cause the soul to wander and get tired. These undesirable thoughts need to be diverted. If the mind is taken away from all these feelings and is turned towards one particular direction, one can attaIn peace and pleasure of mind.
Sleep is a lower stage of sainadhi. While sleeping, man forgets all worldly troubles, anxieties, tiresome feelings and he travels into another world; no amount of abuse Will affect or enrage him. In samadhi, also, man is away from all the feelings and sensations relating to this world; the organs do not communicate any feeling. But there is a difference between sleep and samadhi. In sleep one has neither knowledge of, nor power to control, oneself. In samadhi, although the organs do not communicate to him ideas connected with this world, one is quite within one’s soul and has full knowledge of everything, but that is a very high stage, rather the highest, when the self is in a state of complete knowledge and infinite light. And then this world appears to be completely dark.

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