Thursday, 5 July 2018

Yoga teacher training Goa India

The next important point in ajapa is that one should keep the mind fixed on the center of meditation. It may be ajna ahakra (the third eye or eyebrow center) or anahata chakra (the heart center) or any other center in the body. This is called ishwara pranidhana. Three things are very important in ajapa: tapasya (sustained endurance), swadhyaya (continuous self-observation) and also ishwarapranidhana (fixing the mind on the center ofmeditation). Yet three more important points of ajapa practice are deep breathing. relaxation and total awareness. Not a single breath should go unnoticed. There should be no automatic breathing. You must have unceasing awareness of every ingoing and outgoing breath. As soon as the mind wanders, bring it back to the breath.
Thus ajapa is adjusting a man tra to the breathing process. It can be practised anywhere. in a chair. on the floor or in any asana, particularly padmasana, siddhasana, siddha yoni asana or sukhasana.
The most important point in ajapajapa is that first of all you have to breathe in and out consciously and not automatically. Automatic breathing goes on at night also It is not ajapa. You must consciously notice every ingoing and outgoing breath. Like a watchman, watch the continuous and unceasing consciousness of the two breaths

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