Friday, 6 July 2018

Yoga teacher training Goa India

Generally, some people suffer from sleeplessness in varying degrees and others suffer from excessive sleep. If we think over this with a cool and pure mind, we shall realize how many long and precious hours we lose and spoil by sleeping uselessly. If we had used this costly time in doing some important work we would have achieved marvellous results.
In a nutshell, if we sleep just for the necessary hours and use the rest of our time in constructive work relating to our own life or that of others, we can attain a high position in society. AU the time that we spend in useless sleep can better be utilized for study, earning money, in service of people, or in spiritual practices for attaining self-realization.
‘Nhen just a little sleep can suffice, where is the necessity of long sleep? It is necessary for all of us to know something about the science of sleeping. What should be the quality of sleep? How many hours should we sleep? How should we sleep? How can we get rid of our feelings of tiredness quickly? How can mental tensions be diverted? What sort of sleep will bring us freshness and energy? Practical processes relating to sleep will be explained here along with a few necessary rules for efficient sleeping. For example, excessive sleep indicates inertia and sleeplessness is the result of mental tensions. Both are undesirable.

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Yoga teacher training Goa India

Just as the body takes rest while sleeping, the mind should also get similar rest. Even during the night, the running of the
mind does not cease. When we fall into sleep with mukifari 4 ous thoughts, some thoughts (involving passion, anger, greed, f pride, attachment and all sorts of things> appear in different
shapes and forms When the mind wanders about here and there, one does not have sleep and is engrossed in horrible dreams. The mind is not peaceful and there is no feeling of being refreshed. Passionate thoughts based on fictitious events appear even at the dead of night and cause the soul to wander and get tired. These undesirable thoughts need to be diverted. If the mind is taken away from all these feelings and is turned towards one particular direction, one can attaIn peace and pleasure of mind.
Sleep is a lower stage of sainadhi. While sleeping, man forgets all worldly troubles, anxieties, tiresome feelings and he travels into another world; no amount of abuse Will affect or enrage him. In samadhi, also, man is away from all the feelings and sensations relating to this world; the organs do not communicate any feeling. But there is a difference between sleep and samadhi. In sleep one has neither knowledge of, nor power to control, oneself. In samadhi, although the organs do not communicate to him ideas connected with this world, one is quite within one’s soul and has full knowledge of everything, but that is a very high stage, rather the highest, when the self is in a state of complete knowledge and infinite light. And then this world appears to be completely dark.

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Yoga teacher training Goa India

There is one more problem. A man of the present age remains tremendously busy. In the modern industrial and material world, an average man keeps running after high aims and desires. We know of the busy life of people in the big cities. There are sozn people who are so very busy in multifarious activities that they do not get time to sleep properly or to take proper rest. This is a problem for them, Businessmen, doctors, social workers, government or other officers, all have some difficulty regarding sleep. There is one golden rule which can be prescribed for all such people by which they can complete their requirements of sleep by lying in bed for only three hours. With this short interval of sleep they can get rid of their exhaustion caused by twenty- one hours of hard work. Napoleon is said to be one of those who slept a minimum of hours. ft is said that he had to stay on horseback for days together and he completed his sleep even in the saddle. Gandhiji was also a light sleeper, he slept easily while travelling to and from programs. His hard and continuous brainwork is known to all. What were the reasons for their success? They were yogis in a true sense. They possessed full concentration of mind. They were busy after fulfillment of their goals with deep concentration Concentration has tremendous powers. It is said that yogis never sleep. They always keep their minds towards their goal with undiverted attention. A yogi transforms his sleep into samadhi.

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Thursday, 5 July 2018

Yoga teacher training Goa India

In general, people experience a feeling of tiredness of body and heaviness of head after leaving their bed in the morning. Some people experience feelings of lethargy when they wake up. They do not feel like getting out of bed and they keep on dozing in a half awake state. There are many who sleep for eight long hours, r even more, but feel as if they have not completed their sleep. For an average healthy person, eight hours of sleep is not only quite sufficient but is rather more than the actual requirement Many people do not get sleep unless they take bromide or other tranquillizers. Thus we see that while many people suffer from excessive sleep, there is quite a large number of those who do not get sleep at all. Others get no sleep unless they read some books or novels. This habit is also bad for health. By reading in a lying pasture the eyes are subjected to undue pressure with the result that they get tired and exhausted due to excessive strain, and sleep comes with this induced lethargy in the organs. This is a bad way of going to sleep. There are other people who do not get to sleep without having a massage. This habit is not only bad but is dangerous for those who are rheumatic. If this facility is not available when one is away from home, one does not sleep. These are all bad habits and we should take them to be ailments of sleep. Sleep should be natural and should come in a proper and natural way.

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Yoga teacher training Goa India

The next important point in ajapa is that one should keep the mind fixed on the center of meditation. It may be ajna ahakra (the third eye or eyebrow center) or anahata chakra (the heart center) or any other center in the body. This is called ishwara pranidhana. Three things are very important in ajapa: tapasya (sustained endurance), swadhyaya (continuous self-observation) and also ishwarapranidhana (fixing the mind on the center ofmeditation). Yet three more important points of ajapa practice are deep breathing. relaxation and total awareness. Not a single breath should go unnoticed. There should be no automatic breathing. You must have unceasing awareness of every ingoing and outgoing breath. As soon as the mind wanders, bring it back to the breath.
Thus ajapa is adjusting a man tra to the breathing process. It can be practised anywhere. in a chair. on the floor or in any asana, particularly padmasana, siddhasana, siddha yoni asana or sukhasana.
The most important point in ajapajapa is that first of all you have to breathe in and out consciously and not automatically. Automatic breathing goes on at night also It is not ajapa. You must consciously notice every ingoing and outgoing breath. Like a watchman, watch the continuous and unceasing consciousness of the two breaths

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Yoga teacher training Goa India

The alternate functioning of ida and pingala keeps one away
from one’s inner consciousness. So long as they work alterirately, saniadhi cannot be attained. It is only when the two birds — ida and pingala — are tired and they retire to the center, the self, that the sushumna awakens and the process of meditation becomes automatic.
According to swarayogawhen both the nostrils flow equally it indicates that the sushumna is flowing. At this time one should give up all worldly work and meditate. It is a common experience that sometimes the meditation is quite successful. This is because there is harmony in the entire system. When the sushumna does not function, one does not achieve concentration even with effort, So it is important that the functioning of ida and pingala should be harmonized by yoga practices and meditation, making it possible for sushumna to function.
In order to stop the chain of thoughts, one has to observe the thoughts, one has to see them consciously. During ajapa you must have a complete and unceasing awareness of what you are doing. Like the oilstrearn which does not break in the middle, let your consciousness also be continuous. Maintain continuous awareness of what you are doing.
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Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

. If you make a habit of getting up early in the morning and give it a strictly practical shape in your everyday life, you will find that there will be a thorough change in your life. Its effect will be on all matters connected with your living. Firstly, you will feel energetic, strong and refreshed, If you had been complaining of want of time, you would now find that the day is too long and you have not so much work. Not for a day or two only, but if you make this a life-long routine, you will feel this. You will always have perfect health. You Will not have a feeling of exhaustion after any hard work. There will never be a complaint about sleeplessness (insomnia). The mind Will always remain cheerful and peaceful. You will be endowed with the greatest success in all activities of life. The condition is that you must be sthct in following this routine. Then only you will see the resulL This and this one routine only Will be able to awaken all potentialities latent in you. You will be master of extraordinary willpower.
Everybody takes sleep to bejust a simple and natural affair without any importance, and it Will be no exaggeration to say that no worldly man knows the scientific way of sleeping. No householder knows how to sleep. Householders have to work hard If they learn the process of psychic sleep, they Will have extraordinary benefits. They will complete their sleep and derive maximum advantage with minimum hours of sleep

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Yoga teacher training India Goa

Yoga Nidra
Psychic sleep
The simple and useful practice of the art of sleeping which the yogis know, if explained with certain modifications, can prove infinitely beneficial to many people. ft may be called psychic sleep.
Very few persons know how to sleep. People often go to sleep while thinking or reading. During the act of thinking, they do not know when sleep comes. To fall asleep with a mind entangled in thoughts is not beneficial to health and mind, ft is not good to sleep with a mind full of anxIety and disturbances. This sleep does not provide full rest to the body. Tiredness is not cast off completely. One has bad dreams, digestion is not perfect, and on the following morning one does not feel energetic and pleasant. To sleep thus is unhealthy and unscientific.
You may have doubts as to what particular thing there can possibly be in the act of sleeping which needs to be learned. Sleep comes to everybody. ft is quite natural for everybody to have sleep. There is nothing particular of course, to be learned. But. you isil see and realize that sleep is an important thing in our life. The effect of sleep influences our mind, activities, nature, character and intelligence.

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Yoga teacher training India Goa

This practice is more difficult and requires greater imagination, patience and control of the breathing process. Loosen your clothes.
Take a comfortable posture.
Sit straight with your spinal column erect. Interlock your hands and keep them on your lap, or keep them on your knees.
Set aside all your mental tensions and worries. Practise selfawareness.
Use auto-suggestion. Imagine peace and joys and relax your- self completely.
Now with your thumbs, plug your ears. Close your eyes and lips with your fingers. Begin deep breathing.
After you have taken the breath in, close your nostrils with the middle fingers of each hand.
Then rotate your consciousness in the spinal column. WIth the vibrations of so, ascend from mooladhara chakra to ajna chakra.
With the vibrations of ham, descend from ajna chakra to mooladhara chakra.
Then release the breath and take a little rest. During this period of rest, practise self-awareness and mindfulness.
In the second phase of the sixth stage of ajapa, you need not close your eves, ears, mouth and nose.
Simply breathe in.
During the period of retention, rotate your consciousness in
the spinal column, from ajna chakra to rnooiadhara chakra,
Stay at mooladhara chakra for a while.
Now ascend, and then exhale,
Take rest and practise self-awareness,
Conclusion ‘
The exposition of the method of ajapajapa being practical, not much has been said here of the psychological significance of this practice. It is, however, not to be forgotten that ajapajapa offers significant benefits for mental disorders and its therapeutic effects can hardly be over-emphasized.
Ajapa japa has also a sacred significance which has been hinted at in several cryptic and mystic formula in ancient literature. This was a secret treasure jealously guarded through the centuries and was told only to deserving and earnest aspirants.

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