Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

Now we come to the sixth stage of ajapa.
The first important thing in this practice of ajapa is rhythmic breathing. The second important thing is mindfulness. All through the process of meditation you must be mindful of every activity you do, If, while practising meditation, you forget that you are meditating you will never gain success in meditation.
While meditating there comes a state of unmindfulness akin to sleep, and this is the trouble with almost every aspirant who meditates You keep on thinking of a certain problem for fifteen minutes of so. During this period, when you were brooding over the problem, you were not mindful that you were brooding. kis only when you finish the process of brooding that you realize that you were thinking about such a thing. This is not meditation.
In meditation, whatever practice you are following you should be mindful. Therefore, we always emphasize one point:
be aware of what you are doing. Be conscious that you are counting. Be mindful that you are visualizing, breathing — In short, be absolutely awake and vigilant You have to be conscious of every process of breathing, and mindfulness should have an unceasing continuity.
In meditation, if you count one, two, three, your mind should not be unaware for even a single second. Even if it wanders, let it but be aware that it is wandering. If you concentrate, be aware that you are concentrating. It is the very nature of the mind to wander and sleep. You need not worry about this, but be aware of every tendency of the mind.
Whenever your mind, your consciousness, your awareness dissipates be alert. No mental activity should go unnoticed. You should never be unmindflil of the processes of concentration. This is the fundamental and the only point to be remembered. If you fail to remember and understand this most important point5 you will never achieve success in meditation even if you meditate for a century.

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