Thursday, 21 June 2018

yoga teacher training India Goa

The most important point in ajapajapa is that first of all you have to breathe in and out consciously and not automatically. Automatic breathing goes on at night also It is not ajapa. You must consciously notice every ingoing and outgoing breath. Like a watchman, watch the continuous and unceasing consciousness of the two breaths
You must also observe how far the breath is going in. When you breathe in, the abdomen should rise first, then chest Breathing out, relax chest then abdomen. Lie down and feel as if you are going to sleep. You should breathe like a person who breathes deeply in sound sleep. After continued practice your breathing will be complete, systematic and proportionate. The normal rate of inhalation and exhalation is fifteen times a minute for each, In one hour, nine hundred breaths and in twenty-four hours 21,600 breaths are drawn. A person who has perfected ajapa will do 21,600 rounds ofjapa per day.
As and when the concentration becomes deep, the breathing will become slow. Instead of fifteen rounds, you will do ten rounds a minute. In ajapa you make the breath as long and as deep as when you are snoring. Longevity is increased by doing so because the entire system becomes absolutely calm and steady, thereby expending less prana.
Now we come to the technical side of ajapa. There is no other technical difficulty in doing ajapa. The only difficulty is tapas which means sustained endurance. You must sit in one posture. The body should not shake and the mind should not run here and there. It is not physical mortification. It is sustained endurance. You take the pledge that you will do ajapa for forty-five minutes every day. One day you do it, but the next day you lose patience; the third day you lose interest, and on the fourth day you lose everything. Keep up your resolve and continue your practice with patience for a month or so whether it is for ten minutes or one hour.

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