Saturday, 22 September 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

PASCHIMOTAAN ASAN : Roll thighs from outside in. Do not let knees cave in. Press outer ligaments down for it outer calves to outer knees that helps to keep outer knees down...     From inner ankles to heels. As compact buttocks spine ascends...inter coastal muscles armpits and move armpits towards elbows then see more stretching .......armpits going away from trunk....
... For doing Paschimotan asan legs should be like Chaturang dand asan in Chaturang dand back thighs become broad but in Paschimotaan thighs become narrow that is why yogis gave Chaturang dand before Paschimotan to tone Paschimotaan raise leg broadend heel, sole and lengthen the arch.....Taad asan in thighs in ..when to catch legs groins are FULKRUM so move it forward.....all upward,down dog and Chaturang together is Paschimotan...Upward dog in sternum....kidneys like Downward dog...if Sternum goes forward then kidneys goes in.....PITS in toes...legs shrunk...... abduction and adduction of muscles...without skin how to expand or contracting downwards on foot more back and spine moves forward
widen the armpits PREGNANT WOMEN LEGS APART...move from groins..move armpits...perinium and pubis  towards knee ....tailbone towards of toes towards floor....flesh up skin down....
Where thighs and buttocks bifurcate you have to put that portion on rolled blanket. Contract buttock suck flesh in only hip bone on rolled blanket. Auto massage of flesh and skin. NO MOVEMENT ON HEEL BONES and now take hands up . Can you feel difference ... energy on back of leg....exhale bend forward but do not move heel...extend floating ribs and if floating ribs comes down head comes down....broadens biceps...lower and upper arm hitting elbows ....upper arm energy moves from shoulder blades towards elbows ...for lower arm energy moving from fingers towards elbows.. alert or broaden heels and soles ( tailbone moves forward clavical region open from arms ) as head goes down groin goes down
 If Heels up on rolled blanket and hips on floor ...what difference you feel ? Extension on lower leg ...Calf muscles stretch more ...But when hips are up on rolled blanket and feet on floor then more extension on hamstrings head can not move without stretching calf muscles.....Now third experiment hips and heels on rolled blanket then middle of back of leg or knees extends more....broaden heel and sole.....if skin is hard on sole then you bend more
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