HEAD STAND ... Do not push hands on back of head ....for stability move energy from second knuckle of index finger towards nail...index finger is controlled by big toe nail....tip of nails should be in middle of eyes...inter lock thumbs also to help index finger to come closer....when you raise legs up but lift from legs rather from inner shoulders then initiative should be from inner shoulders as if inner shoulders are doing head stand....ascend shoulders when going up
....Broaden the knee,heel and sole...raise inner edge of heel and sole than outer edges...inner edges give stability outer edge not...Patella should be fluid move it in ..take groins back towards buttock bones then you can revolve legs better...back groin higher towards leg front groin towards trunk then legs will be perpendicular to the floor ....it is groin that corrects your legs not feet...integrate big toes nail as they are going away
Stretch arms from arm pits not from fingers....Horizontal stretch of arms..How to know vertical action? Watch little finger outer nail ...come down with outer edge of little fingers nails down ..hands longer how is conditions of hands now?
HEAD STAND : (Move lower back or dorsal spine in or make it concave...Sharpen inner leg by stretching ankle to heel
....Lift inner upper arm and deltoid.. .more you press lower arm and wrist more you feel light on upper arm......roll thighs in....from inner knee to inner ankle ascend...sharpen inner heel....broaden knee by lifting calf up...abdomen back ...tailbone in...broaden ribs...)
....right leg down but left leg in same place...stretch heel from hinge...heel should be in line to hinge...hinge perpendicular so that heel can be perpendicular...
....Broaden the knee,heel and sole...raise inner edge of heel and sole than outer edges...inner edges give stability outer edge not...Patella should be fluid move it in ..take groins back towards buttock bones then you can revolve legs better...back groin higher towards leg front groin towards trunk then legs will be perpendicular to the floor ....it is groin that corrects your legs not feet...integrate big toes nail as they are going away
Stretch arms from arm pits not from fingers....Horizontal stretch of arms..How to know vertical action? Watch little finger outer nail ...come down with outer edge of little fingers nails down ..hands longer how is conditions of hands now?
HEAD STAND : (Move lower back or dorsal spine in or make it concave...Sharpen inner leg by stretching ankle to heel
....Lift inner upper arm and deltoid.. .more you press lower arm and wrist more you feel light on upper arm......roll thighs in....from inner knee to inner ankle ascend...sharpen inner heel....broaden knee by lifting calf up...abdomen back ...tailbone in...broaden ribs...)
....right leg down but left leg in same place...stretch heel from hinge...heel should be in line to hinge...hinge perpendicular so that heel can be perpendicular...