Monday, 24 September 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

HEAD STAND ... Do not push hands on back of  head ....for stability move energy from second knuckle of index finger towards nail...index finger is controlled by big toe nail....tip of nails should be in middle of eyes...inter lock thumbs also to help index finger to come closer....when you raise legs up but lift from legs rather from inner shoulders then initiative should be from inner shoulders as if inner shoulders are doing head stand....ascend shoulders when going up
....Broaden the knee,heel and sole...raise inner edge of heel and sole than outer edges...inner edges give stability outer edge not...Patella should be fluid move it in ..take groins back towards buttock bones then you can revolve legs better...back groin higher towards leg front groin towards trunk then legs will be perpendicular to the floor is groin that corrects your legs not feet...integrate big toes nail as they are going away
 Stretch arms from arm pits not from fingers....Horizontal stretch of arms..How to know vertical action? Watch little finger outer nail ...come down with outer edge of little fingers nails down ..hands longer how is conditions of hands now?
HEAD STAND :  (Move lower back or dorsal spine in or make it concave...Sharpen inner leg by stretching ankle to heel
....Lift inner upper arm and deltoid.. .more you press lower arm and wrist more you feel light  on upper arm......roll thighs in....from inner knee to inner ankle ascend...sharpen inner heel....broaden knee by lifting calf up...abdomen back ...tailbone in...broaden ribs...)
....right leg down but left leg in same place...stretch heel from hinge...heel should be in line to hinge...hinge perpendicular so that heel can be perpendicular...

Yoga teacher training India Goa

SHOULDER STAND : Why to use belt? To understand function of each and every fibre of hand which part is touching and which part is not touching
(scapula up inner biceps out) is outer sides of triceps touching belt evenly belt is used to move biceps inside out open biceps which does not happens without belt..... more biceps goes inside out better shoulder blades go up ( broadens the knees,heels ..inner and outer big toes equally extended) belt will not adjust but you have to adjust according to belt.......belt is there to help ribs to be concave..bones of middle finger should touch ribs to get concavity....index fingers ....roll big toes so that two corners are parrallel to each other
HAL ASAN :  Stronger wrist against belt better the asan ...extend corner of toes  towards base...from nail ascend the buttock from foot ascend top leg....... hit the belt sideways side Hal Asan Shirsh Asan side chest is important...side ribs should be higher not the center so lift side ribs towards buttocks......why eyes have stress or tension ? Wooden floor does not move but skull take soft blanket below head which moves and makes eyes feel comfortable

SHOULDER STAND and HAL ASAN : ...Maximum height between armpit and pelvis in Hal asan...outer arm and outer shoulder on floor...LATISSIMUS DORSI muscle extend...lift 7 cervical vertebra near to floor....hands as close to lower shoulder blades as possible...if you keep top of thighs lifting that will help back to lengthen
....In Sarvaang asan lift from middle of tailbone straight up..roll thighs in front of thighs moves down towards head and back of thighs up towards knee....whenever you work on skin it works on nervous system...Broaden knee of knee in to thigh...lift calf up towards heel..LATISSIMUS DORSI  in..back of armpit up....tongue passive on lower palate...inner eyes recede down and outer eyes towards temple...relax face..legs dynamic...
come in HAL ASAN spread legs one foot apart arms straight extend arms to lift inner shoulders ...lift inner thighs and inner on crown of toes...donot drop knees broaden and firm knees...lift kidneys
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Yoga teacher training India Goa

PRASARITA PAADOTAN ASAN 2.22...jump 4 feet apart and do not turn toes in or out just adjust....move metatarsals back tail bone forward ...Exhale bend down forearms perpendicular to floor ...move back of head down...if sides of ribs are strong then throat is sides of ribs should be like petals of flower ( sides of ribs released or more space then you will feel more lightness in brain)...(tongue on lower palate so that brain remains quite also keep trapezius down )

 Move groin back.. Extend tailbone...pubis flat as much you can...head of pubis in...circular leg and knee...lower leg skin turn
Knee should be like a ball not like a knot knee....inner knee should wide open for hands to go down..roll back and broaden along with motion...after placing hands on floor increase distance between legs....turn inner back thighs towards top..concave of feet of palm forward of back palms should reach of toe should talk to metatarsals..elbows in bend..head calf muscles...from perineum extend the skin on either side of buttocks...see skin on buttocks takes same curvature like from feet to ankle...same rotation of feet and buttocks........inhale come back with concave back
 Look at outer side of feet on heels coming up ....inner ankle is down and outer ankle up so lift inner ankle up
 ...Pressurize outer sides of feet back of neck ascending and Trapezius descending....relax temple, throat, jaw and tongue...palms not  under shoulders but under elbows...abdomen soft for this softness turn back of thighs inside out..
8 PRASARITA PAADOTAAN or EXTENDED LEG STRETCH ( Prasarita means extended Paad means foot and Uttan means stretched)
Put palms in line with legs. Tuck tail bone and move tail bone towards head. If you feel tail bone moving back then move buttock bones towards hands . Lower back concave. Open more and more from diaphragm.
Energy moving from head to tail and then tail to head from downwards side. Move groin forward for bending more.Stability and mobility in groin. With help of arms inner thigh muscles towards that inner thigh muscles should raise groin higher and higher.
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Saturday, 22 September 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

BHARDWAZ ASAN :  Front leg from buttock to knee should be in line with mat. Take hand of back leg to front leg underneath knee....elbow straight....holding knee  stretch arm like full arm balance..fingers  inside knee...touch your knee on your fingers...before turning your trunk should be in one straight line from mooladhara to throat...front leg groin revolve and when you rotate back leg toes should not move...back of arm pits and ribs should revolve ...raise the chest closer to leg...turn tailbone and skin on buttocks...look back....chest should turn more than your head...pressing hands pressing back of waist towards roof...weight on both hands should be equal.....CHANGE...Mooladhara should not buttock is below...make both buttocks on floor....move groins anti clock wise.....chest clockwise...suck kidneys deep in till it touches front portion of body....shoulder blades and shoulders down...side trunk up...knees together...position of knees should not change ...turn navel with back...both armpits parallel...with hands push and turn...revolve...front chest open ...broad chest...
VIR ASAN: Sternum up shoulder blades down ...medial line of calf muscle and thigh parallel...left hand on right knee..right hand on back...bring navel close to front thigh..CHANGE...knee which you catching should not come up ..exhale revolve..turn collar bones there should be life in collar metatarsals on floor...when you press chest goes backwards
BADHKON ASAN: ..... Bring both hands on right side press your fingers...concave lumbar...circularize spine...these work on outer vertebrae...ascend not lift groin of other leg knee down and revolve...lift entwine spine not loose muscles of back...CHANGE...Groins and feet passive..knees and buttocks are activising parts...ascend trunk and turn bottom trunk...turn root not shoot...

Yoga teacher training India Goa

PASCHIMOTAAN ASAN : Roll thighs from outside in. Do not let knees cave in. Press outer ligaments down for it outer calves to outer knees that helps to keep outer knees down...     From inner ankles to heels. As compact buttocks spine ascends...inter coastal muscles armpits and move armpits towards elbows then see more stretching .......armpits going away from trunk....
... For doing Paschimotan asan legs should be like Chaturang dand asan in Chaturang dand back thighs become broad but in Paschimotaan thighs become narrow that is why yogis gave Chaturang dand before Paschimotan to tone Paschimotaan raise leg broadend heel, sole and lengthen the arch.....Taad asan in thighs in ..when to catch legs groins are FULKRUM so move it forward.....all upward,down dog and Chaturang together is Paschimotan...Upward dog in sternum....kidneys like Downward dog...if Sternum goes forward then kidneys goes in.....PITS in toes...legs shrunk...... abduction and adduction of muscles...without skin how to expand or contracting downwards on foot more back and spine moves forward
widen the armpits PREGNANT WOMEN LEGS APART...move from groins..move armpits...perinium and pubis  towards knee ....tailbone towards of toes towards floor....flesh up skin down....
Where thighs and buttocks bifurcate you have to put that portion on rolled blanket. Contract buttock suck flesh in only hip bone on rolled blanket. Auto massage of flesh and skin. NO MOVEMENT ON HEEL BONES and now take hands up . Can you feel difference ... energy on back of leg....exhale bend forward but do not move heel...extend floating ribs and if floating ribs comes down head comes down....broadens biceps...lower and upper arm hitting elbows ....upper arm energy moves from shoulder blades towards elbows ...for lower arm energy moving from fingers towards elbows.. alert or broaden heels and soles ( tailbone moves forward clavical region open from arms ) as head goes down groin goes down
 If Heels up on rolled blanket and hips on floor ...what difference you feel ? Extension on lower leg ...Calf muscles stretch more ...But when hips are up on rolled blanket and feet on floor then more extension on hamstrings head can not move without stretching calf muscles.....Now third experiment hips and heels on rolled blanket then middle of back of leg or knees extends more....broaden heel and sole.....if skin is hard on sole then you bend more
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Yoga teacher training India Goa

TAAD ASAN : Roll back of thighs from inside out. Press inner edge of heels. Extend inner back corner of leg. Do not constrict thigh. Source of action is on back of leg. Roll in pelvic girdle from hips. Knee caps parallel to each other. Roll in back of knees. Tail of tailbone like pocker stiff. Bottom pit should be sharp like a razor. If weight is on toes thighs have come forward. You have to divide weight of body from middle of arch equally. Do not press the sole press the heel. ...... bone is not look at flesh  steady the bone. Bone is in centre so outer body should encircle the bone.Bone should not touch the flesh but flesh from the front should touch the bone so that flesh of back and flesh of front at equal distance from bone. Join the twigs ...roll ankles skin.......perpendicular to floor. Roll the knee caps.Circularize the skin of thighs from back to front. Ascend the perineum and anus. Space between perineum and anus .... Open chest..drop armpits...arms down..Latismus.... Skin on bottom buttocks opens on back of thighs inside out...    bring pelvic girdle forward...roll out thighs
1.44.... Head of elbow concave to make elbows straight...stretch thumbs and see hands longer or short?
look at your toes and from middle of 5 toes make a medail line which will flow like a river between middle of ankle ,middle of knee, middle of quderacep muscles,thighs, middle of pelvic girdle ,middle of waist, middle of sternum, middle of nose and centre of centre of brain is balanced between two inner heel is pressing more on floor and other inner heel is floating so one which is floating is not in middle line so roll that heel.... so make it to come on floor let heel circle equally ....divide skin on bottom of both heels like a wings of a bird ...after stablizing heels similarly on bottom of both soles divide skin equally on both sides ..exactly in middle open like wings of a bird....?Easy to press on Big toes side but difficult to press on  small toes sides so .....look at back of knees head of calf and thigh should be parallel for that head of thigh slightly towards back now legs are like BANANA STEM straight.....inner is getting loose so make it of anus move up......perinium and navel..........floating ribs and diaphram in one line.... diaphram moving in....

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Friday, 21 September 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

Please get ready for yoga nidra.
Lie down on your back on the floor in shavasana
Keep the feet a little apart, hands by your sides with the palms turned upwards.
Close your eyes and keep them closed throughout the whole practice.
Now bring about a feeling of inner relaxation in the whole body ... concentrate on the body and become aware of the importance of complete stillness, pause Develop your aware’ ness of the body from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. Complete stillness and complete awareness of the whole body.
Continue your awareness of the whole body ... the whole body ... the whole body.
Mentally say to yourself: l am aware.. I am going to practise yoga nidra ... I will not sleep (unless you are practising for insomnia) .. I will remain awake throughout the whole prac tice’. pause
Now begin to rotate your awareness throughout your whole physical body.
Repeat the different parts of the body in your mind and simultaneously become aware of that part of the body.
You can also visualize that part of the body in your mind, but don’t concentrate too hard.
Become aware of the right hand. pause
(ijht side)
Right hand thumb, second finger, third finger, fourth finger, fifth fingers paInt, back of the hand, wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, armpit, right side of the waist, right hip, right thigh, knee, calf muscle, ankle, heel, sole, right big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, fifth toe
(left side)
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Yoga teacher training India Goa

It is good to avoid sleeping with diffused thoughts. As all daily duties are properly attended to and are given due importance, similarly the act of sleeping should also be treated in the same way. The mind should be given this training. A machine which works throughout the day without interruption gets heated. Sleep is a cooling device. It recharges the battery of our body which gets discharged while functioning during the day. Energy that we spend in hard toil is recouped. Before lying down for sleep, sit for a while on the bed calmly and quietly, say for two to four minutes, Shake from your mind all thoughts about the activities of the day. A simple way of doing this is to start mental japa or ishta mantra. Any disturbing thoughts of the day will automatically be driven away. Then meditate on your ishta (desired deity) for some time and lie down in bed in this state.
Yoga nidra is a more efficient and effective form of psychic and physiological rest and rejuvenation than conventional sleep. However, through the practice of yoga nidra, we are not only relaxing, but restructuring and reforming our whole personality from within. Release of tension, relaxation and peace of mind are the secrets of transformation. When a man is under tension, his behavior is influenced, and when he relaxes, he becomes natural. If you practise yoga nidra, then the nature of your mind cart be changed, diseases can be cured and your creative genius can be restored. Subconscious and unconscious mind are the most powerful forces in the human being. This simple practice of yoga nidra has the capacity of penetration into the depths of the human mind. Whether people have any physical, mental or emotional probIems  or not, yoga nidra should be practised daily to dive deep into the mind and aid in the evolution of your consciousness.