Sunday, 4 November 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

UPWARD DOG...Suck cartilages in..bottom buttocks down...back leg straight up..bring waist close to wrists...Sternum higher than arms
   CHATURANG DAND ASAN.....Broaden heels..move hips close to arms......
 DOWN DOG...........roll inner knee back more and more ...Shoulder blades close to kidneys.......from arms make side waist longer...move triceps up
PARSHVO TAAN : .....Exhale bend ...reverse palms ..back of palms on floor..stronger wrist better extension of the palm on floor ....CHANGE...go down with pelvic girdle
PARIVRT PARSHVKON ASAN:  .......stretch hand over ear from inner navel towards head...tailbone towards head..CHANGE.. Squeeze from inner pubis towards hand?????
PARIVRT TRIKON :....... Revolve buttock and groin...take middle shoulder blades in...arm pressing down and armpit going up....revolve kidneys maximum
ARDH CHANRA ASAN: No skin of armpit should touch chest......front leg take skin deep into hip joint
PARSHKON ASAN : ......As you bend knees skin of tips of toes move backwards and flesh of legs move forward...turn left shoulder blade run parallel to right shoulder blade..turn chest.....ascend tailbone...
COBRA POSE : Move ribs in ....Sternum up...contract the hips or buttocks and tighten the thighs.
UPWARD FACING DOG: Use bricks below hands to understand action on tailbone. Pull up or tighten knee cap or Patella. Tailbone in and up. If knee caps are tight then tailbone goes up. REVERSE WRIST and see ...back of elbow head stretch up to upper arm.
SHALABH ASAN : ( A)  Knee cap in  and stretch toes....Lift thighs and groin up.
( B ) Stretch fingers and  toes in opposite direction . Lift shoulder , groin and  thigh up.
DHANUR ASAN : Pull and push from armpits and ankles . Put rolled blanket below thighs to raise inner thighs. Ascend inner thighs .Entire body goes up except Patella or knee cap. Move Patella in. Spread all toes power will come in thighs.
KANDHAAR ASAN : Knees straight.
Thighs, Pubis, tailbone and sternum up.          
Move calf muscles in and increase space on back of knees .
Shin bone perpendicular to floor or knees over  heels.
URDHVA DHANUR ASAN : Knees and elbows straight.
Move head towards pubis.
Thighs, Pubis, tailbone and sternum up.          
Move calf muscles in and increase space on back of knees .

Yoga teacher training India Goa

PASHCHIMOTAAN ASAN : 47.00....... Both legs straight...sit on front of buttock bone touching blanket or bolster...metatarsal skin from pits of toes towards floor...catch feet with both hands thighs drop trunk is moving skin from upper top leg move towards lower leg...sternum up....lumber in concave back..sternum facing roof ..hit back of ribs towards sternum...from side of chest look up...navel should be close to chest...chest close to throat....throat close to head..thighs descends.....bottom of calf muscles ascends rest of legs descends....waist to armpit stretch forward not close armpits...roll legs and buttocks inwards....when move head down outer skin of buttocks move towards pubis...move chest forward...lengthen lattice muscles...move armpits to level of knee and elbows...move floating ribs forward......dip middle of chest to floor.....dip thoracic spine towards sternum.....join top legs not let loose top leg

1.10....TRIANGLE POSE : Move toes from ether to earth means from smallest toe to Big toe in front leg and opposite in back leg and see the difference in ankles which become more alive
brick is used for confidence and balance or not to wobble
1.18.....Make right angle triangle near perinium
Turn navel and sternum up towards sky...stretch groin like a carpet..tail bone straight....
Move toes from ether to earth means from smallest toe to Big toe in front leg and opposite in back leg and see the difference in ankles which become more alive. Also rotate calf and thighs of both legs in same direction.
Stretch upper arms upwards from front and lower arm downwards from back or arm . Stretch shoulders in opposite direction.
brick is used for confidence and balance or not to wobble
lift left little finger up and right thumb down turn buttocks backwards towards tailbone...change.....look from left eye towards right thumb...neck released or not ? Lenghen the neck and then look up to left or right hand.
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Yoga teacher training India Goa

DOWNWARD FACING DOG :.... Middle wrist in medial line with toes and middle of knees only then STRENGTH will come......middle of second finger have equal weight distribution.......stretch from elbows to shoulders.....TRIANGLE here right angle triangle...V- SHAPE............back of thighs going into back of buttocks...shin becoming longer..
....middle of wrists in line with middle of metatarsal....middle finger touch floor..donot make outer side of index finger touch floor to move 33 not stretch centre spinal coulm but outer edges of right and left long  not the middle...move outer edges.....form a right angle tail bone ..elongate neck... side neck down.... spine up...head of elbow ....kidneys in...side legs should face side wall front leg facing front wall and back leg facing back wall...come up
.....bottom knee should go up and top knee should go down....big toe and small toes should go in opposite directions and should have more gap between
 CHATURANG MUKH SHAVAN ASAN: is a beautiful natural presentation of legs which teaches it should same in downward and upward facing dog
 ........see width and middle lines on thighs and calf muscles of both legs...........stretch from middle of thighs, knees and calf  muscles to both left and right sides....arches on feet should be same length in all three downward,upward facing dog and Chaturang dand asan so in upward facing dog stretch inner metatarsal towards anus
.....middle of shin bone back more and more ...similarly middle of from outer elbow to inner deltoid
UPWARD DOG...Suck cartilages in..bottom buttocks down...back leg straight up..bring waist close to wrists...Sternum higher than arms
     CHATURANG DAND ASAN.....Broaden heels..move hips close to arms......
 DOWN DOG............roll inner knee back more and more ...Shoulder blades close to kidneys.......from arms make side waist longer...move triceps up

Friday, 2 November 2018

Yoga teacher training India Goa

 SHIRSH ASAN : 1.42... Hypothalamus should do taad asan...move thighs in from back to front...ears perpendicular.. head of nose up..TRIPOD....balance on head of on sides of both thighs should challnge each other for sucking thighs in.....1.45 All true ribs come forward and false ribs go backward...for not oscillating skin on top of each toe should move down and on thighs skin should move up.....tailbone suck and bring calf in line with tailbone...maintain fore arm in firm position by rolling in and moving tip of index finger moving to other side...thumbs go deep inside and forearms will move in....stretch  bone from buttock to heel.....hypothalamus perpendicular to floor...
1.56....... skin on buttock moving down or up...leg, shin and navel in line....move armpit forward and hypothalamus back......2.08....balance between armpit and  back of head....keep leg bones straight from sockets of hips to heel...extend back of body more than front of body
PRASARITA PAADOTAN ASAN : Knee should be like a ball not like a knot knee....inner knee should wide open for hands to go down..roll back and broaden along with motion...after placing hands on floor increase distance between legs....turn inner back thighs towards top..concave of feet of palm forward of back palms should reach of toe should talk to metatarsals..elbows in bend..head calf muscles...from perinium extend the skin on either side of buttocks...see skin on buttocks takes same curvature like from feet to ankle...same rotation of feet and buttocks........inhale come back with concave back

Yoga teacher training India Goa

TWISTING.... VIR ASAN: Sternum up shoulder blades down ...medial line of calf muscle and thigh parallel...left hand on right knee..right hand on back...bring navel close to front thigh......Both armpits parallel.......CHANGE...knee which you catching should not come up ....other buttock should not come up....exhale revolve..turn collar bones there should be life in collar metatarsals on floor...when you press chest goes backwards...turn navel....normal breathing....
 .... VIR ASAN : ....Centre of ankle,centre of metatarsal ,centre of shin on floor ......outer ligament of knees big toe ...revolve heel so that metatarsal on floor....back thighs does not shorten frontal thighs roll in....squeeze top thighs ...lie down ..relax ears and eyes ....sternum up...try to bring lumber down without disturbing abdominal organs...lengthen lumbar towards head without constricting chest
 .... BADHKON ASAN: FOOT on rolled blanket foot to let loose  ....knees and groins go down now.....lift buttocks up ..passive calf muscles to go hips down...fibre of leg loose ...ligament of knees  loose...groins flat...

.... SUPT BADH KON ASAN : ..... CURVE BACK foot to knees to go down arch..broaden heel......divide from navel.... back active..passive groin and knees....back ankle move towards heel...??  top ankle should move towards knee........SIT............. bone helps to open heel and groin...roll skin of thigh from buttocks to knees.????.....roll thighs heels passive groins..
 ...TWISTING....BADHKON ASAN: ...... Bring both hands on right side press your fingers...concave lumbar...circularize spine...these work on outer vertebrae...ascend not lift groin of other leg knee down and revolve...lift entwine spine up...donot loose muscles of back...CHANGE...Groins and feet passive....only knees and buttocks are activising parts...ascend trunk and turn bottom trunk...turn root not shoot...
PARSHVOTAAN ASAN..........Left and right pubis equal........back leg groin move circularly...pelvic girdle should be  ???? between trunk and pelvic girdle...both side of pelvis parallel.....move navel up turn navel ....left navel towards right...lengthen navel....extend navel...extend sternum...CHANGE...Take big toe of back leg in for more rotation of buttocks...navel of right and left equally move down big toe mouth ...if head moves waist should move ...raise big toe of back and open thigh of back you have to

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Yoga teacher training India Goa

PARSHVKON ASAN : Move from Big toe towards small toe of front foot and knee also in same direction. move calf muscle of front leg and see impact on back leg knee and ...moving back.

1.55 PARSHV KON ASAN : Right leg out ...bend from outer ligament of knee..spread heel of right foot down.....lengthen inner ankle of right foot and rotate right thigh from inside out.. lengthen right buttock in... from inner buttock lengthen left arm....bent leg skin should move backwards...CHANGE ..Left leg out... left hand down with ligament...bent leg ligament should be passive As you bend knees skin of tips of toes move backwards and flesh of legs move forward...turn left shoulder blade run parallel to right shoulder blade..turn chest.....ascend tailbone...
SUPT VIR ASAN : ..medial line of Meta tarsals on buttock is touching and other is touching less....turn groins out....those who are sitting have to... outer knees down...more outer knees goes down then one day you can do supt vir asan...pressing toes on floor....lengthen ligaments of knees...lengthen shin and thigh...side ribs more not think of sternum you have think of side back ribs....back trunk of skin should move towards buttocks and skin of front trunk towards head...move shoulder blades towards kidneys.....collar bones....widen lumbar without sinking sternum...lift knees 6 or 7 centimeters up without lifting chest  let buttock down ...without lifting lumar put knees on floor
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Yoga teacher training India Goa

TRIANGLE POSE : Move toes from ether to earth means from smallest toe to Big toe in front leg and opposite in back leg and see the difference in ankles which become more alive.....      ...TRIANGLE POSE : Upper arm should go forward  Lower arm back and upper sternum..back spine close to sternum...Left pelvis towards buttocks and right groin towards wall...stretch back of right leg straight...broaden sole of left...inhale come up..CHANGE ...Right palm heavy....spread legs more to get Triangle...right ribs in lower them down....outer ankle edge of ribs...hip in waist down....side ribs sharp like a sword..
 ........ TRIANGLE POSE : Skin of upper arm going down flesh goes up and skin of lower arm going up and flesh goes down...make a triangle of anus ....keep on spinning legs till  go on moving till triangle is made...look from eyes...left thigh should go down till hand goes down........go down with armpit.....lower armpits in line with not move buttocks back when go down.. ....right foot in right groin groin foot turn groin should also turn.........facing little toe so much you turn groin    ..left groin going towards thigh..lift left arm up ..seperate spine......1.20.30.....bring life in left leg by lifting left groin up.. ARDH CHANDRA ASAN......front groing of right towards ceiling.... Revolve the left groing from back to front...

TRIANGLE POSE : .........When right shoulder goes down towards right side groin should go towards outer hip to help left shoulder to go up...................keep elbows firm...down arm should go down and upper arm should go up...